

My name is Basma Choucri.
I’m a passionate soul who loves food, life, art, friends, and family.
I love the color blue, and it signifies so much in my life, how it’s changed, evolved, devolved, and so much more, which is why I’ve chosen Who’sBlue as my blog name.

I hope that my story, journey, and life will inspire you to become a better you, and hopefully make me a better me as well.

*Side note: all images on this site are mine.

P.S. What I post on my Instagram has nothing to do with this blog, just my life in general, I post every now and then so follow me if you’d like to see an occasional artistic post or weird picture with friends.
If you want me to make an Instagram account specifically for this blog just comment below and if I get a few comments I’ll maybe do one documenting my food, workout, and the occasional motivational post.


Take care!

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